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A man with a backpack on his way to the summit of a mountain – in the foreground, the slogan: Ready? Steady! GROW.

Ready?     Steady!    GROW.

An open Bible with a highlighter.

The Bestseller About Your Life

Ever heard of a world bestseller that’s all about you and your life? Sounds unreal, right? Give me a second to explain. This book tackles the big questions in life: Why are we here? What makes a good life? What’s the point if we’re all going to die one day? Sound familiar? Well, this world bestseller, the Bible, has some answers: God loves you. He gave you life so you can make the most of it. People have been writing about this for thousands of years. They’ve gone through the highs and lows and discovered that God is there, helping out and answering them. There are stories, poems, letters, and songs about it. Even today, people find themselves and their lives reflected in the Bible. Curious to see which chapter might be about you? Start by reading for just 5 minutes a day. A great place to begin is the Gospel of Matthew.
Hands raised in worship.

Connecting With the Very Top

So, let’s say you got curious and you’ve started reading the Bible and now you’re thinking, “I want to meet this God guy, too.” It sounds like meeting Him could change my life, make it richer, and more exciting. If that’s you, I’ve got some advice: Go for it! Talk to Him. You can talk to God when you just trust that He’s listening - because He always is. This chat with God is called prayer. The main thing is spending time with God the way you would with a friend (just without your phone!), and He’ll be there with you. Prayer can be a text you read, a song, saying something spontaneously, or even just sitting quietly. If you’re not sure where to start, try the prayer you'll find on the bookmark in the Bible included in your starter package. At first, praying might feel a bit weird, but think about it: You didn’t become best friends with your current friends overnight either, right? Relationships take time. Start with just 5 minutes a day. At first, it might not feel like much is happening, but hang in there. Sometimes God shows up in ways you wouldn’t expect.
A winding country road between hills with trees and fields.

The Challenge

Still with me? Awesome! Then you might be up for our 40-day challenge. The number 40 is a big deal in the Bible, especially when it comes to starting something new - like making a change. Even psychologists today say that if you want to firmly establish something new in your life, stick with it for six weeks and it’ll become a habit. If you think this friendship with God could be worth it, why not try it out: 40 days, 5 minutes of Bible reading, and 5 minutes of prayer each day. It’s like texting or calling a friend for 10 minutes daily or practicing a new skill. And yeah, you won’t always feel super pumped to read the Bible or pray - just like how working out with muscles sore from the day before can be tough. But even when you’re tired or not in the mood, remember: God’s excited to spend time with you, no matter how you’re feeling. That’s what real friendships are like.

A small green plant growing between black-and-white paving stones.

What Grows?

If you’re someone who likes to see results, keep some notes during these 40 days. You could jot down things like:

● What surprised you while reading the Bible?
● What questions popped up?
● Did you manage to answer any of them yourself?
● Did anything encourage you?
● How did praying regularly feel?
● Did you notice any changes?
● How did you feel by the end of the 40 days?

And here’s a big question: Do you want to keep going?

Four hikers climbing a steep mountain.

Let’s Grow Together!

At some point, you might think, “I’d love to talk to someone about what’s been happening during these 40 days.”, maybe someone who also prays and reads the Bible regularly. You might have questions - that’s normal! This could be the perfect time for us to connect! You’re not alone on this journey; there are people all around you who are also on the path of prayer and faith. We’d love to hear about your experience with “Start 5 and 5” and help you find some answers together. And who knows - you might even meet others who are doing “Start 5 and 5” too.

We are looking forward to seeing you

Foto von Nicole mit Sonnenuntergang im Hintergrund





Thomas Burke


Mareike Knue



Start Packages

"In the Bible, you’ll find old stories that happen anew every day."
- Peter Hahne -
"Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance; the only thing it cannot be is moderately important."
- C.S. Lewis -
"Faith, including prayer, helps because it allows me to connect; I am no longer alone. In moments of deep loneliness, it feels like light breaking into the darkness."
- Annette Frier -
"You must be willing to listen to Him, for He is always speaking to you."
- Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko -
"I want people to think about Jesus Christ."
- Jürgen Klopp -
"I really pray all the time."
- Lady Gaga -
"I am an enthusiastic prayer and turn to my personal God relatively often, several times a week, with whom I maintain a good relationship."
- Wigald Boning -
"God already loved me just as I am, before I did anything to deserve it."
- Justin Bieber -
"Everything is in there, every story about us. A very real book when it comes to our story, even regarding what is happening right now."
- Ben Becker on the Bible -
"I am so grateful! Thank you, God, for allowing me to experience such a miracle."
- Lisa Mantler -
"I have never had a single moment of trouble being both a physicist and a Christian."
- Harald Lesch -