Maybe you’d like to explore some digital platforms related to the Bible and biblical topics in addition to reading your paper Bible. For example, video series, shows, apps, and various Bible platforms. Here, we present a small selection of them that we’ve had good experiences with.
Discover the Bible in Pictures
Have you heard of scribble videos, where complex topics are animated with pen-on-paper illustrations in a simple and clear way? That’s how BibleProject originally started. By now, they’ve created such videos for almost every book of the Bible. In just a few minutes, you can gain a wonderful overview of the content and key connections in each book. In addition, there are now various other video series on different biblical topics. For a good introduction to the origins and structure of the Bible, you can check out this video. You can find an overview of all other playlists and videos by BibleProject on their YouTube channel. Want to start reading the New Testament, for example, with the Gospel of Matthew? Then this overview video is worth watching. And there’s so much more to discover!
The Chosen:
A fresh perspective on the life of Jesus
Always have your Bible at hand
Maybe you’ve experienced this: you want to spend time with the Bible, but life gets in the way. This is where the YouVersion App comes in. With it, you always have the Bible with you - whether you’re on the go or just have a brief moment to yourself. You can receive daily suggestions for selected Bible verses, follow reading plans that help you stay consistent, and even share passages with friends for meaningful conversations. If you don’t have time to read, you can listen to the Bible instead. Alongside YouVersion, there are other fantastic alternatives like Bible in One Year or Bible Society's Apps. Both offer great features to help you better understand the Bible and integrate it into your daily life. Whether you’re just starting out or have been reading for years - with these apps, you’ll always have God’s Word by your side.
Discover different Bible translations
In your starter kit, you received the Bible in the Schlachter 2000 version, one of the many German translations. But there are countless other Bible translations - also in english language, and each offers a slightly different perspective. It can be really exciting to read and compare a specific Bible verse in various translations to gain a deeper understanding. That’s where comes in handy. On this platform, you can compare over 20 Bible translations side by side – all for free and super easy to use. Take a look if you want to dive deeper into God’s Word and explore what different translations have to offer! Here’s a small example of how a Bible verse can sound different across translations.
Modern Bibles for Beginners
The Bible in your starter kit is the Schlachter 2000 version. This german translation adheres closely to the original text. However, you might find some passages a bit challenging to understand - and that’s completely okay! For beginners, there are other Bible translations written in modern german language, which are especially suitable for young people and those new to the Bible:
Here are some recommendations:
Hope for All (Hoffnung für Alle - HFA)
This translation is particularly easy to read and uses a language style closely aligned with modern daily life. It’s an excellent choice for discovering the message of the Bible in a fresh way. -
The BasisBibel combines short, simple sentences with modern language, making it ideal for people engaging with the Bible for the first time. It also includes plenty of explanations of terms and background information. -
New Geneva Translation (Neue Genfer Übersetzung - NGÜ)
The NGÜ offers clear and comprehensible language while remaining faithful to the original text. The included comments and introductions are particularly helpful for understanding the context of the passages.
If English is your first language, you might prefer a Bible in your native tongue. Here are some great options available on
ESV Study Bible
A highly recommended translation for its balance between readability and accuracy. The study edition includes extensive notes and explanations for deeper understanding. -
NIV (New International Version)
A modern and widely used translation, excellent for both beginners and seasoned readers. It is known for its readability and clarity. -
KJV (King James Version)
A classic translation with a rich literary heritage. While slightly older in style, it remains a favorite for its poetic language and historical significance.
No matter which translation you choose, each one can help you better understand God’s Word and integrate it into your daily life. Feel free to explore these translations - they’re worth it! Of course, you can also find these translations in many Bible apps and on platforms like