Your prayer companion on the go
Jesus Prayer:
Encounter in Silence
One of the deepest forms of prayer is silent prayer, also known as the Jesus Prayer or contemplative prayer. This form of prayer involves consciously entering into silence, letting go of one’s thoughts, and fully listening to the presence of God. Unlike spoken prayers, the focus here is on an inner encounter and experiencing God in the silence. Silent prayer is deeply rooted in monastic traditions but can also be a source of peace and strength for modern individuals. A popular method within this practice is the Jesus Prayer: repeating the words "Christ, Jesus" in rhythm with your breathing, opening yourself to the closeness of God. Especially in a hectic world, silent prayer can help to find inner peace and deepen your relationship with God.
Worship and Praise:
Music as Prayer
Music is a powerful form of prayer. Especially in modern worship music, many people find a direct connection to God. Songs like Holy Forever, Vergiss nicht zu atmen, or I'm so blessed invite you to praise God through singing and music and to lose yourself in His presence. Through music, prayer can become emotional and tangible – it expresses what words sometimes cannot. Worship is not just about singing songs; it’s also a prayer of the heart carried by the music. Many churches include worship music in their services, but you can also experience worship at home – whether with a playlist or by playing music yourself. This shows that prayer can be much more than spoken words; it can be sung, felt, and experienced. Today, worship music spans genres from indie and alternative rock to jazz and lo-fi beats, even to rap in various musical styles.
Communal Prayer:
Encountering God Together
In addition to personal prayer, there is also the opportunity to pray in community. This can take the form of prayer groups, devotions, or gatherings in church. Communal prayer fosters connection among believers and strengthens faith through shared experiences. That’s why Christians traditionally gather on Sundays for worship services. A wonderful platform to connect digitally for communal prayer is Here, you can share prayer requests, pray for others, and become part of a larger prayer community.
The Lord's Prayer:
More Than Just a Prayer
The Lord's Prayer is one of the most well-known prayers in the world – but what’s behind it? Here’s a line-by-line explanation showing how relevant and profound this prayer can still be for our lives today:
Our Father in heaven.
God is not distant or unreachable but like a good Father who cares. He sees us from a perspective we often cannot understand – from eternity.
Hallowed be your name.
God is unique, perfect, and worthy of our respect. Here, we declare our desire to honor Him and His name.
Your kingdom come.
We long for the world to become more like the way God envisions it – full of love, justice, and peace.
Your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
God’s plans are always good. We trust that He knows what is best for us and the world, even when we don’t immediately understand it.
Give us today our daily bread.
We ask God to provide what we truly need – not just food, but also strength, peace, and hope for each day.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
We make mistakes and hurt others, just as others hurt us. God offers us forgiveness and calls us to extend the same to others.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
We ask God to help us do what is right and to free us from anything that could harm us or others.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.
Everything belongs to God: the world, the power, and the glory. He remains forever, and we can trust Him, no matter what happens.
The Lord's Prayer is not just a prayer but a guide for our relationship with God. It reminds us of what truly matters – trust, forgiveness, gratitude, and the desire to be part of God’s plan.